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An article was published in the journal "Measurement and Control".2024/05/08

An article about Japan Probe's Air Coupled ultrasonic measurement was published in Volume 63, Issue 4 of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers' journal "Measurement and Control".

Subject : Non-contact ultrasonic measurement using air coupled ultrasonic waves
Overview : Introduced a method for measuring test materials by non-contact in the air.
We introduced examples of measuring the status inside of Lithium-ion batteries and CFRP using the transmission method, and measuring defects in welds using guided waves.
We also described the conditions for positioning the probe and test material when performing air coupled ultrasonic measurements from one side, such as guided waves.

Source : Yusuke Tanaka, Non-contact ultrasonic measurement using air coupled ultrasonic waves, Measurement and Control, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 239-242 (2024)

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