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Japan Probe Co, Ltd established in1979 as the exclusive ultrasonic probemanufacture.

With society maturity and high quality of product, the demand of [safety], [relief] [quality] [reliability] are becoming more stronger in various industry fields. Ultrasonic inspection・measuring technology is possible to check and confirm the inside condition without destructing things.

With digitizing and newly advanced ultrasonic measuring technology sophisticates more and more advanced, its application is widespread more than expecting.

Our company sales key devices of probes, ultrasonic palser & receiver and advanced ultrasonic inspection measuring system for research & development.

We meet & supply speedily the user demands of the latest advanced material, aerospace, cars, electricelectronic parts, architecturecivil construction , marine, fluid, living body and medicine and so on.

We will meet the demands of ultrasonic inspection measuring technology for total solution as Niche Top brand and service of the latest advanced product.

We will meet the requirement of customer, we do our best for being supported by customer.
Yukio Ogura

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Company Outline

President's Message | Company Outline | Company HistoryMain delivery record

Capital 55 million yen

President         Yukio Ogura

Managing Directer    Hidekazu Hoshino

Directer         Masaaki Noji

Corporate Officer      Yoshiaki Iwata

Auditor          Mitsuhiro Hoshino

Address Main Office
1-1-14 Nakamura-cho, Minami-ku,
Yokohama, 232-0033 JAPANgoogle map
Innovation Center
1-1-11 Nakamura-cho, Minami-ku,
Yokohama, 232-0033 JAPANgoogle map

TEL +81-045-242-0531
Fax. +81-045-242-0541
E-mail:Contact Us
Business field Solution business by  Ultrasonic inspection ・Measuring
Ultrasonic probe・AffixUltrasonic probe・ Affix
Japan Probe makes & sales ultrasonic probes, cables, wedge, couplant and tools for ultrasonic inspection & measuring, these technologies apply various application and Japan Probe in high quality control meets rapid requirement & needs to customer.
Pulser & ReceiverPulser & Receiver
Ultrasonic probe sends signal to object and receives reflected echo. It is the equipment to measure & evaluate for inside defect, property and shape. It(P/R) is high power & high sensitive in more than 100 times than conventional equipment. It is suitable for material evaluation and automation of production line.
NAUT21 is possible to inspect and measure by non contact air coupled ultrasonic method.
It is applicable to the materials being free from water and couplant such as materials causing damage with wetting, high temperature and low temperature. It is possible to inspect, to measure and to evaluate materials which are not applicable.
Efficiency improves rapidly. We offer ultrasonic systems.
Consignment StudyConsignment Study
To meet inspection, measuring and evaluation to material property and environment, Japan Probe develops the latest research of technology for needs of market with advanced research enterprise and institution. With this bases we offer consignment examination and research.
Award History ■ Selected as "one of the 300 vibrant companies of small and medium enterprises" (2019)
■ Selected as "Regional Future leading company (2018)
■ Received the 26th “Technical Development Award” from the Acoustical Society of Japan (2018)
■ Received the 8th Kanagawa Sangyo Navi Grand Prize / "Excellence Award" in Manufacturing Category (2017)
■ Received 2015 Kanagawa Excellent Factory Award (2015)
■ Received the 49th Good Company Award / "Special Award" (2015)
■ Bendable array probe "BFAP" awarded the 27th small and medium-sized enterprises excellent new technical product award (award of excellence) (2015)
■ Won an "Award for excellence" of 5th Business Innovation Award (2014)
■ Won the 31st Kanagawa Industrial Technical Grand Award for encouragement (2014)
■ Won the "academic encouragement award" of the Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection (2014)
■ Awarded from the Japanese Association for Non-Destructive Testing Industry (2014)
■ The 21st Japan acoustics technical development award 」(2013 year)
■ The 38th invention grand prix (testimonial award)(2013 year)
■ Accomplishment award from Japan non destructive inspection society(2012year)
■The 24th small and medium-sized enterprises [ excellent new technical product award] (2012 year)
■Japan non destructive industrial technical encouragement award (2011year)
■2011 Kanagawa Industry NAVI grand prix (2011 year)
■The 27th Kanagawa technical development grand prix(2010 year)
■ Awards of science & encouragement from Japan Non Destructive Inspection Society(2009year)

One of CSR(social responsibility of enterprise ) is cooperation to local society and a social contribution.Japan Probe Co, Ltd is contributing for the society of UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) ,MSF(Medecins Sans Frontieres), The Japanese Red Cross Society and so on..

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Company History

President's MessageCompany Outline | Company History| Main delivery record

矢印1979~ 矢印1991~ 矢印2000~ 矢印2010~ 矢印2020~
    1979 S54 August, Japan Probe was established as the exclusive ultrasonic probe manufacture.
President Hoshino started at business of inspection for nuclear power generation facility (ISI) and he developed & shipped semi automatic multi probes for pipes.
    1980 S55 Shipped multi probes for pressure vessel in reflection method, & fixed bolt
    1981 S56 Developed special automatic multi testing probes for pipe and corner nozzle.
Shipped large size of point shear wave focusing probe for heavy pressure vessel, it was 2 MHz φ80mm 45 degree.
    1983 S58 Developed angle beam probes 5C10×10A70 with zero undetected area
    1984 S59 Developed wall thickness measurement probe, wide range frequency probe, inserted probe.
    1986 S61 Joint development of automatic angle beam probe for small diameter pipe in production of line iron & steel work.
Joint development of equipment and probe for measuring wall thickness on coated tank bottom plate and commercialized in market, sale.
Shipment of automatic detection probe for small size diameter steel pipe, dual type probe for heavy plate on production line and off line, and creeping wave probes.
    1987 S62 Shipment of shear straight wave, SH wave angle beam probe.
Development of high temperature angle beam probe Certification of dual probe[JNR-W1] for JNR Stand Vehicle of welded detection.
    1988 S63 Joint development of equipment and probe for concrete Certification of dual probe[JNR-W2] for JNR Stand Vehicle of welded detection.
Certification of dual probe[JNR-W3] for JNR Stand Vehicle of welded detection.
    1989 H1 Shipment of probe for concrete
    1991 H3 Joint development of gas pressure welding equipment and probe and shipment
    1992 H4 Development of multi frequency probe
    1993 H5 Development of ultrasonic array angle beam probe for pipe line welding part and shipment of it.
    1996 H8 Development and shipment of composite probe
    1998 H10 Development and shipment of polystyrene probe
Shipment of ultrasonic testing array angle beam, saw blade array angle beam probe
Development of wheel probe
    2000 H12 Development and shipment of matrix probe (0.50.×5mm 16CH, 0.30×0.3mm 256 CH)
    2001 H13 Development of reflection method air probe and penciled type probe
    2002 H14 Sale & shipment of burst wave ultrasonic flaw detector(analog type)
    2003 H15 Development & shipment of soft probe being possible detection from rough & uneven surface and welding bead surface.
    2005 H17 President Ogura assumption
Development and sale of high power burst wave ultrasonic pulser and receiver(digital type)
Development and sale of soft delay normal probe & angle beam probe
    2006 H18 Development and sale of magnet probe/ probe with thermometer /two frequencies normal probe
Development and sale of pulser & receiver for multiplexer
    2007 H19 Development and sale of harmonic and sub harmonic probes receiving twice
and half frequencies of nominal frequency
Development and sale of ultra high frequency bandwidth(UB)
Development and sale of high sensitive air probe(transmission wave type)
    2008 H20 Development and sale of high voltage(1000V) driving pulser & receiver
Shipment of pulser & receiver to science and technical university, Kanyou
University in Korea (first shipment for oversea)
Development of high pressure probe for deep sea
Subsidy from small & medium enterprises supply
    2009 H21 Completion and sale of Non Contact Air Coupled Ultrasonic Testing Equipment (NAUT 21)
Completion and sale of chirp and burst waves pulser & receiver
Technical corporation with Japan National Instrument
Research subsidy from Kanagawa prefecture & Yokohama city
Conclusion of comprehensive technical aid with Korean University
Awards of science & encouragement from Japan Non Destructive
Inspection Society for joint research with Kyusyu electric power company
Capital of 30,000,000yen
    2010 H22 Completion and sale of flexible array probe
Completion and sale of high temperature(500°C) probe
Completion and sale of high frequency(2 MHz)air probe
Completion and sale of 8 CH burst waves pulser & receiver
Development and sale of rail way defect inspection equipment for bottom area
Development and shipment of sine burst pulser & receiver
Completion and sale of PXI(Japan National Instrument specified board)
Development of detecting resource in deep sea bottom(3000m deep) probe
Awards of Kanagawa technical development grand prix Capital: 40,000,000 yen
    2011 H23 Development of 1800V driving pulser & receiver
Sale of ultra miniature probe(3mm by 3mm), ultra less beam index angle beam probe
Export of NAUT21 to Koran & European countries
Kanagawa Industry NAVI grand prix
Industrial technical encouragement award by Japan industrial non destructive inspection society
Shipment of NAUT21 to inspection for lithium ion battery of electric cars
Capital: 43,000,000 yen
    2012 H24 The 24th small and medium-sized enterprises[ excellent new technical product award]
Establishment of joint research institution in Dosei University of China
Shipment of flexible array probe to application of Air Bus in England
Patent acquisition of Non contact air coupled ultrasonic testing method Reaching total 100,000th probe
Development of ultra high sensitive air probe (+ 16dB from conventional probe)
Development of ultra miniature probe
Development of leakage detection method in water
Success of high resolution imaging by ultra high sensitive air probe
Accomplishment award from Japan non destructive inspection society
Development of one side access transmission scanning system
Adoption of appearing to the public for A・STEP・FS stage of JST
Capital: 50,000.000Yen
    2013 H25 Sale of Ultrasonic propagating simulator [SWAN21]
The 38th invention grand prix (testimonial award)
Development of vertical type Air Scanner (NAUT21-V)
The 21st Japan acoustics technical development award
Development and sale of non contact air coupled type & immersion type Ultrasonic inspection equipment(NAUT-I)
Capital: 50,000,000 yen
    2014 H26 Thailand government visited Japan Probe to see promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Completion of shipment to reach 1000 array probes and 500,000,000 yen by NAUT21 air ultrasonic testing system
Development and sale of ultra flexible array probe [Kyokutan] for wide
range frequency and ultra high sensitivity type
Award of The Japanese Association for Non-Destructive Testing Industry (Association award)
Award of The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Testing Inspection (Academic encouragement award)
Awarded from The Japanese Association for Non-Destructive Testing Industry about the achievement of no-disaster record
Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan made a coutesy call on us
Held a ceremony to celebrate our 35th anniversary
Completion and sale of broad band / high frequency probe for narrow part inspection
Bendable array probe "BFAP" awarded the Kanagawa Industrial Technical Grand Award (encouragement award)
Award of The Business Innovation Award 2014 (award of excellence)
    2015 H27 Completion and sale of new soft probe – High S/N Ratio and narrow dead band
Opened the China office in Dalian, China
Sale of new model of NAUT system "NAUT21-I" – combination model of air coupled and immersion
Bendable array probe "BFAP" awarded the 27th small and medium-sized enterprises excellent new technical product award (award of excellence)
     2016 H28

Developed and started sales of cartridge type ultrasonic soft transducer/probe "JUTAN"
Received the 2015 Kanagawa Prefecture Excellent Factory Award
Received the 49th Good Company Grand Prize "Special Award"
Started selling the new Pulser & receiver "JPR-600N"
Renewed Broadband, high-sensitive ultrasonic flexible array transducer/probe"KYOKUTAN"

     2017 H29

Developed and started sales of flexible matrix array transducer/probe "TAKOTAN"
Concluded a Comprehensive Partnership Agreement on R&D with Jeonbuk National University, South Korea
Developed a bowl-shaped ultrasonic sensor that realizes real-time 3D imaging of optical ultrasonic waves
Received the 8th Kanagawa Sangyo Navi Grand Prize / "Excellence Award" in Manufacturing Category
Developed and started selling 2D type flexible array transducer/probe "KYOKUTAN"
Delivered high-speed model "NAUT21-M" for in-line application

     2018 H30

Achieved shipment of 2000 ultrasonic array transducers/probes
Obtained registration certificate of "Medical Device Manufacture"
Received the 26th “Technical Development Award” from the Acoustical Society of Japan
Selected as "Regional Future leading company

     2019 H31

Achieved shipment of 2500 ultrasonic array transducers/probes
Completion of JAPAN PROBE Innovation Center next to our HQ office
Selected as "one of the 300 vibrant companies of small and medium enterprises"
Developed and started sales of flexible transducer/probe "TAKOTAN"
Held “Ultrasonic Technology Forum” for JP 40th Anniversary

     2020 R2

Developed and started sales of "Improved version of soft probe/transducer JUTAN"
Adopted our array probe for the first introduction of ultrasonic inspection to LNG Terminal Tank in Boryeong, South Korea
Received "Excellent Accounting Employee Award" from Yokohama Minami Corporation Association
Delivered the first production model of hemispherical detector array transducer for Photoacoustic 3D imaging
Launched the new model of flexible probe/transducer "TAKOTAN" series

     2021 R3

Launched the Non-Contact Air Coupled Ultrasonic Testing System, single side model, “NAUT21-S” onto the market
Achieved shipment of 3000 ultrasonic array transducers/probes
Announced ‘Distribution partnership’ in India
Our President, Ogura, received the Order of the Rising Sun, Silver Rays, at the Autumn Conferment Decorations

     2022 R4

Delivered the multi-axis (7-axis) model of Non-Contact Air Coupled Ultrasonic Testing System "NAUT21"
Received the ‘Excellent Industrial Person Award’ from the Yokohama Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Photoacoustic imaging system equipped with our hemispherical detector array transducer was approved as a medical device

     2023 R5

Delivered improved version of “128ch HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) transducer” for Medical care
Delivered custom-made “Ultrasonic Immersion Inspection Equipment (X-Z scan method)”
Developed and started sales of High Frequency Ultrasonic Pulser & Receiver “JPR-50SD”
Developed and started sales of Ultrasonic Dry Couplant & Flexible Transducer “KANTAN”

     2024 R6

Newly established “Customer Solutions Department”
Achieved cumulative shipment of 450 units of Ultrasonic Pulser & Receiver “JPR series”
Event held to celebrate our 45th anniversary
Implement functionality improvement of Non-Contact Air Coupled Ultrasonic Testing “NAUT21” standard model


Main delivery record

President's MessageCompany OutlineCompany History | Main delivery record

(株)アーク・ジオ・サポート (株)IHI (株)IHIエアロスペース
(株)IHI検査計測 (株)青山学院大学 (株)秋田大学
曙ブレーキ工業(株) 明智セラミックス(株) 旭化成(株)
旭化成工業専門学校(株) アジアエレクトロニクス(株) アジア海洋(株)
芦森工業(株) USTRON(株) (株)アドバンテスト
(株)アトラス 有明工業高等専門学校 (株)アルファー器械
(株)井高 (株)ウィズソル 上田ブレーキ(株)
(国研)宇宙航空研究開発機構 ULTRASONIC(株) 栄進化学(株)
英和(株) (株)エーエフシー AGC(株)
(有)エスアンドエス・テクノ NECネットワーク・センサ(株) NECパーチェシングサービス(株)
NECマネジメントパートナー(株) (株)NKS (有)エヌ・ケイ・システム
愛媛大学 (株)エビデント エム・ケー開発(株)
遠藤科学(株) (株)エンビジョンAESCジャパン (株)桜華
応用地質(株) 大分大学 大阪ガス(株)
大阪産業大学 大阪大学 大阪府立大学
(株)大道産業 岡谷鋼機(株) 岡山大学
(株)小川機工 (株)奥村組 (株)オザワ科学
オートモーティブエナジーサプライ(株) オムロン(株) オリンパス(株)
埼玉大学 (株)サムスン日本研究所 (株)澤幡製作所
山九(株) (国研)産業技術総合研究所 (株)三弘
三信建材工業(株) (株)サンセイテクノス (一社)CIW検査業協会
(株)ジェイ・イー・ティ JXエンジニアリング(株) JFEエンジニアリング(株)
JFE商事(株) JFEスチール(株) JFEテクノス(株)
JFEテクノリサーチ(株) JMエナジー(株) (株)ジェイテクト
(株)ジェイ・パワーシステムズ 滋賀県立大学 四国エックス線(株)
四国職業能力開発総合大学校 (株)四国総合研究所 静岡大学
自治医科大学 芝浦工業大学 島根大学
清水建設(株) (株)ジャスト ジャパンシステムエンジニアリング
(株)ジャムコ (一財)首都高速道路技術センター 首都大学東京
シュルンベルジェ(株) 順天堂大学 上智大学
湘南工科大学 昭和電工(株) 職業能力開発総合大学校
神鋼検査サービス(株) 信州大学 診断技術(株)
新日鐵住金(株) 新日本産業(株) 新日本非破壊検査(株)
(株)シンメイ 信明ゼネラル(株) 菅原電気(株)
(株)スギノマシン 杉本商事(株) 鈴鹿高等専門学校
鈴木鉄興(株) 住重アテックス(株) 住重試験検査(株)
住友化学(株) 住友建機製造(株) 住友重機械工業(株)
住友電気工業(株) セイコーインスツル(株) 青山貿易(株)
積水化学工業(株) 全国検査サービス(株) (株)センサ
(株)総合車両製作所 ソニア・セラピューティクス(株) ソナエンジニア
長岡技術科学大学 (株)中村製作所 名古屋工業大学
名古屋電機工業(株) 新潟原動機(株) 新潟大学
西日本工業大学 西野産業(株) (株)西村商会
(株)ニチゾウテック 日産自動車(株) 日産トレーディング(株)
日鉄住金テクノロジー(株) 日鉄住金テックスエンジ(株) 日鉄住金テクノロジー(株)
日鉄テックスエンジ(株) 日鉄パイプライン&エンジニアリング(株) 日鉄物産(株)
ニッテツ北海道制御システム(株) 日本カーリット(株) (一社)日本建設機械施工協会
日本原子力研究開発機構 日本原燃(株) 日本工業検査(株)
(株)日本工業試験所 日本工業大学 日本光電工業(株)
(株)日本サーモエナー 日本ゼオン(株) 日本製鉄(株)
日本ソナテスト(株) 日本大学 日本超音波医学会
日本電気(株) 日本電機工業(株) 日本電計(株)
日本電信電話(株) 日本非破壊検査(株) 日本非破壊検査協会
マークテック(株) 前田建設工業(株) (株)松見科学計測
(株)松村精型 (株)丸和技研 三井化学(株)
三兼商事(株) 三菱重工環境・化学エンジニアリング(株) 三菱重工業(株)
三菱電機(株) みはし(株) MHPS-IDS
MHPSエンジニアリング(株) 宮地弘商事(株) (株)村田製作所
明海大学 メイコー(株) 明治大学
明治電機工業(株) 名城大学 (株)守谷商会
山口大学 山梨大学 ヤマト科学(株)
ヤマハファインテック(株) ユニテクノロジー(株) 横河商事(株)
横河電機(株) 横浜国立大学 横浜ゴム(株)
吉澤精機工業(株) 吉田金属工業(株) ライオン(株)
(国研)理化学研究所 理工サービス(株) 立命館大学
(株)菱光社 菱電商事(株) 菱電湘南エレクトロニクス(株)
リョウユウエンジニアリング(株) (株)リリアム大塚 和歌山大学
(株)カイジョー 海上技術安全研究所 (国研)海洋研究開発機構
(国研)科学技術振興機構 鹿島建設(株) 神奈川工科大学
金沢大学 金沢工業大学 (株)カネカ
(株)カネカメディカルテック (株)亀太 (株)環境総合テクノス
川崎重工業(株) 川重商事(株) 寒地土木研究所
北日本非破壊検査(株) (株)北浜製作所 (株)キトー
岐阜大学 九州大学 九州工業大学
九州電力(株) 京セラ(株) 京都大学
京都府立医科大学 (有)日下レアメタル研究所 熊本高等専門学校
熊本大学 グローリー(株) 群馬産業技術センター
群馬大学 慶應義塾大学 (株)計測工業
(株)KRI (株)KS-NET (株)KJTD
KYB(株) (株)光響 高知工科大学
高知大学 (株)神戸機械工業 (株)神戸製鋼所
神戸大学 (国研)港湾空港技術研究所 (株)コーシンインテックス
コニカミノルタ(株) (株)コベルコ科研 コマツキャステックス(株)
大栄商工(株) 大成建設(株) 大成プラス(株)
大同テクニカ(株) 大同特殊綱(株) 大同メタル工業(株)
ダイハツ工業(株) ダイヤ電子応用(株) (株)ダイヤメット
太陽計測(株) 太陽日酸ガス&ウェルディング(株) 太陽物産(株)
大和製罐(株) 高松帝酸(株) (株)タチバナ
(株)ダンテック 千葉工業大学 (有)超音波材料診断研究所
千代田化工建設(株) 千代田機工(株) 筑波大学
つくばテクノロジー(株) (有)T.N.T研究所  (株)ディッツ
(株)ディスコ テクノサービス(株) (株)テクノ電子
(株)テス (公財)鉄道総合技術研究所 寺崎電気産業(株)
テラダ産業(株) 電子磁気工業(株) (一財)電力中央研究所
東亜非破壊検査(株) 桐蔭横浜大学 東海大学
東海理機(株) 東京医科歯科大学 (株)東京エネシス
東京海洋大学 東京計器(株) 東京計器レールテクノ(株)
東京工科大学 東京工業大学 東京慈恵会医科大学
東京女子医科大学 東京大学 東京電力(株)
東京都市大学 東京都立産業技術研究センター 東京農工大学
東京理学検査(株) 東京理科大学 同志社大学
(株)東芝 東芝検査ソリューションズ(株) 東芝電力検査サービス(株)
東芝プラントシステム(株) 東電工業(株) (株)東日製作所
東邦テナックス(株) 東北金属検査(株) 東北大学
東北大学ナレッジキャスト(株) トーヨーカネツ(株) (株)東陽
東洋検査工業(株) 東洋食品工業短期大学 トキコテクノ(株)
徳島大学 鳥取環境大学 鳥取県産業技術センター
(株)土木管理総合試験所 (独)土木研究所 富山県工業技術センター
富山県産業技術研究開発センター 富山大学 トヨタ自動車(株)
(株)豊田中央研究所 豊田通商(株) 都立産業技術高等専門学校
(株)HIPUS (株)ハイボット ハウメット・ジャパン(株)
(株)ハシナリー 橋本電子工業(株) 八光オートメーション(株)
(一財)発電設備技術検査協会 パナソニック(株) バブ日立工業(株)
(株)ハヤカワカンパニー 東日本工業検査(株) 東日本旅客鉄道(株)
日立住友重機械建機クレーン(株) (株)日立製作所 (株)日立ハイテクノロジーズ
(株)日立パワーソリューションズ 日立プロキュアメントサービス(株) 非破壊検査(株)
弘前大学 広島県立総合技術研究所 福井大学
福岡工業大学 フジオーゼックス(株) 藤田酸素工業(株)
藤田総合機器(株) 富士通(株) 富士電機(株)
プライムプラネットエナジー&ソリューションズ(株) (株)ブリヂストン ブリヂストンサイクル(株)
古河機械金属(株) 防衛医科大学校 宝泉(株)
ポーライト(株) (株)ホクシン 北海道大学
ポニー工業(株) (株)ホンダ 本田金属技術(株)





ドイツ(TMD Friction)

サウジアラビア(ROSEN SAUDI ARABIA Co.Ltd)  
アメリカ(Electric Power Research Institute)  
インド(Electronic & Engineering CO.(I) P. LTD. (EECI))